Friday, September 19, 2008

Rough Week

So . . . . it’s been a rough week for the Parker family. It all started on Tuesday while I was working from home. We live in a split level town home, so half our house is underground. I went to get paper towels downstairs for the kitchen around 3pm. As I stepped off the bottom stair, I noticed the floor was cold, but as I opened the closet door and stepped in, I had water between my toes! I panicked of course and immediately thought that it was our water heater that was under our stairs! I called the hubby and told him what I had discovered. He told me to turn the main water valve off and pull things out from the stairs and see if I could see our water heater. When I had finished all that I called him back and told him that our water heater wasn’t leaking anywhere, but we had a ½ inch of water under our stairs and the water had spread half way down our hallway and halfway into Boston’s room. I also told him I could still hear water running somewhere, but I didn’t know where. When Matt heard this, he decided it was time to come home to his ever increasingly panicked wife!

When Matt arrived home, he thought it could be the neighbors water heater, so we desperately tried to reach her. She was working late that day, so she sent her dad over to check on her house. As her dad unlocked the door and opened it, it sounded like she had a waterfall in her house. Her upstairs toilet had busted from the wall and was pouring water out ALL day! They got her water turned off, but it still drained for a little while. We went back home and called our insurance and they sent out some professionals (Servpro) to clean it all up for us. They brought over 5 industrial sized fans and a huge dehumidifier to dry out our downstairs. This was Tuesday, today is Friday and the equipment is still there and will continue to be there until Sunday!

Needless to say, we cannot live at our house right now, so we have temporarily moved in with my parents! AGAIN! Ha! J They have been great through the whole thing, but still, Boston cries every night to go home to his bed! I feel his pain!

So, we arrived on Tuesday night to my Mom’s house with all our stuff in tow. It wouldn’t have been too bad, had she not been keeping my two nieces that night as well! Jordyn and Caitlin were there b/c my sister and Justin were leaving to go out of town. Justin was having laser eye surgery the next day, so they would be gone Wednesday and Thursday. Poor Caitlin had a virus and was constantly throwing up or having diarrhea! I couldn’t touch her or pick her up since I am pregnant and it could make me sick too. I took extra precautions to stay away from her, which was hard b/c she’s so stinking cute, even when she’s sick!

We made it through Wednesday and then came Thursday! Thursday was supposed to be a happy exciting day for me. I had my first ultrasound with this pregnancy and got to get all my free stuff! I woke up feeling pretty lousy! I was weak, nauseous and had diarrhea! Not a great start to the day! I thought it was just morning sickness and went on to work. I got sick at work twice and was feeling pretty miserable. I stuck it out until 1pm when it was time to go to my appt. I made it through the ultrasound, barely, but didn’t enjoy it too much b/c I felt so bad. At this point I started to think that this might not be morning sickness.

After the ultrasound, they put me in a room for the Doctor to see me. While I was waiting, all the stress from the week hit me and I just lost it! I started crying so hard I couldn’t catch my breath and then it hit me again! I was going to get sick! Matt held the trash can for me as I projectile into it 4 times! I felt a little sorry for him, but mostly I felt sorry for me! J He helped get me cleaned up and I finally got some drugs from the doctor to help calm me down! Needless to say, I got no checkup and have to go back in 2 weeks!!!

Matt got me home and in bed to rest. My parents took care of Boston while Matt went back to work and I slept until 7pm. All night Boston kept complaining that his tummy hurt. We didn’t know if he was playing into me or if he was really sick. We found out at 9pm when he threw up everywhere! It was a long day and I really thought my husband was going to walk out the door and never come back! He helped me get Boss cleaned up and into bed, before we went to bed ourselves and cried and laughed ourselves to sleep!

Please pray for us! We need it right now!


jejic said...

Missed you at MOPS last night - sounds like you might have missed us too :). Hop you all feel better!!!

aimeenky said...

Hope you're all feeling better today Steph...WOW that was awful; I was almost in tears thinking about it!

sherry said...

Sorry to hear about your
tough week. When the kids
were little, events like that would happen all at once. It's like misery Loves Company !
We'll be praying for you all to have a Normal week. Then again what's Normal !!!

kelly said...

When are you going to start blogging again???